Garden Fever

I forgot to blog twice this week. Thursday and Saturday. This whole week between Christmas and new years is a giant whirlpool of confusion for me.

I've been getting really antsy for gardening lately. Watching lots of Monty Don shows on youtube and Netflix, reading about plants and landscapes, and just wanting to plant stuff. But, while the growing season is starting soon in the UK (daffodils as early as mid-February!), I'm stuck in -20 very definitely still wintertime. 79 whole days until Spring. Not that I'm counting or anything...

Anyway, I recently decided to add a small botanical sketch to my journal pages every morning. This afternoon I was so fed up with winter that I decided I was going to do an extra sketch today. So here is the second Pansy I drew today, no I'm not showing you the first one.

If I can't garden I may as well learn to draw my garden, no? Then I'll be able to pretend I'm gardening?

Also, this totally qualifies as my self-portrait for today because my thumb is in it.